This six-part documentary series on YouTube looks at the the history of the video game industry. It was an interesting watch. You get to learn about such things as programmers dealing with technical restraints for early games and stuff that happened when the industry was still new and the rules were being built.
Visually, High Score makes good use of 8-bit video game-inspired interstitials.
The composition of this can be kinda sloppy. Each episode has a general theme, but the material connections can sometimes be tenuous. The show picks and chooses what it goes with and doesn't necessarily feel substantive. It feels like the creators couldn't decide on a tone either. The third episode is joke heavy, while the others aren't.
The show focuses on whoever they could get to interview. If you're expecting focus on big name video game creators or producers, they're not mentioned much if the show couldn't get them. A lot of video games are made in Japan, so if you're not a big subtitle fan then be forewarned.
I recommend this. It has a lot of interesting info., just be forewarned that this isn't as comprehensive as you'd think.
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