In this second season, based on Bad Luck and Trouble, the eleventh book in the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child, Reacher (played by Ritchson, a guy who looks like a full brick wall magically came to life), former MP and current vagabond, teams up with his old Special Investigations Unit when one of their members is murdered.
This season feels like it moves quicker. Instead of Reacher mostly being stuck in one town, he gets to travel around and keeps things more varied. There is a lot more focus on action this time (and the show was already pretty action heavy). Violence is more creative. Though I do miss Reacher's rapport with his team mates last time (the whole point of Reacher is he is a lone traveler who doesn't have a constant team), the new guys are a pretty likable bunch.
Understand that this is blatant escapism. If you prefer a more grounded affair, don't expect any real world legal restrictions on Reacher's path of revenge. If you just want a tale of good guys with guns defeating the wicked then this is for you. (As with all Reacher stories, the villains are all super evil and killey). Reacher does feel a little too cocky, and it can get annoying. Also, this season the guy is a straight up executioner who doesn't only act in defense or to save people. He doesn't just want to beat the bad guys, he wants them DEAD. It gets a little weird. (Say what you will about the material, but one can't question Ritchon's soft-spoken self-assured portrayal).
Recommended. A fun, action-packed time, and Ritchson is very watchable.