In this Disney Channel show, middle schooler Frankie Ripp (played by Eliana Sua who was Hobbs' daughter in Hobbs & Shaw) dies before she's supposed to. The Grim Reaper or GR (Murdoch Mysteries' Siobhan Murphy) sends her back with two Underworld employees, the ever cheerful Pretty (Kyan Samuels) and the dour Scary (Leah Mei Gold). (Are they dead or were they never human to begin with? No idea. The writers don't seem to worry so neither should you.)
So, this sort of your traditional Disney Channel live-action show. The jokes and story aren't high art, but they're suitable for a kids' s program and are good goofy fun. I kind of like the sheer suspension-of-disbelief everyone has with Frankie suddenly popping back up from the dead with two new "foreign exchange students." (That's, right she doesn't immediately come back the moment she died. I'm pretty sure it was implied she was buried and everybody is way too chill with it. The government isn't looking into it or anything.)
By "sort of your traditional Disney Channel live-action show," Pretty Freekin Scary should be given credit for being well-planned out. This has a full storyline going behind GR's motivations for sending Pretty and Scary. Sure, there are other Disney shows with ongoing stories, particularly the superhero ones, but most of those are told in bits and often don't last the whole season. Here, everything is heading towards a clear purpose.
Best part of this is Sua; her Frankie is just so darn congenial. There is also a main antagonist to this show, and I've got to say, the actor is having a blast with the roll.
Gold and Samuels, especially the latter, do a fine job but admittedly it feels like Frankie isn't given enough time with them to bond. The writers like to pair her up with her goth friend Nyx (Emma Shannon). The duo's personalities are also one-note in the first half, but they become more engaging as the show goes on.
Going back to Nyx, she's likable enough, but there is a problem with her existence, having a quasi-anti-societal goth and Scary, who's not a people person, and both of whom have dry wit feels a little redundant. (Although, the writers do push Nyx more toward being a traditional friend as the show goes on.) In all honesty, I thought the recurring character of Layla Mueller (Adora Sheikh), Frankie's former best friend interacted better with her than Nyx. Unfortunately, the writers soon get bored with her and she disappears. (In fairness, maybe they realized the large cast of kids was too much.)
Also not loving GR. Murphy is fine in the role but her hiding info. for no rational reason other than to drag out the mystery is frustrating. The fact that's she bossing Frankie around all the time does not make one adhere to her.
Recommended. Wouldn't say it's one of THE best live-action kids shows ever made, but it's definitely watchable. Kids should like the cast who are all game.