In this new Disney cartoon show, young Luz (voiced by Sarah-Nicole Robles) travels to a freaky magical world where she becomes an apprentice to the witch Eda (Just Shoot Me/Hot in Cleveland's Wendie Malick). This is a fairly entertaining show.
I can't say this is the best fantasy show ever written, but it's got good characters, world-building, and a sense of humor. It does take a few episodes to find it's legs as the earlier stories can be a bit basic. It takes the introduction of more supporting characters and more interactions with the greater world in order to get things going. There are some good reveals and character stuff if you keep watching.
The Boiling Isles where this takes place differentiates itself from other fantasy worlds by being children-friendly macabre. However, the exploits of Luz and friends, which usually teach a lesson, feel more like traditional entertainment. The two tones don't always match. Also, the lessons can feel repetitive.
Visually, going back to the child-friendly macabre aspect, The Boiling Isles and its various weird inhabitants have a very distinctive, weird feel.
Overall, I think this would be a show your kids would like.
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