In this fourth season of Harley Quinn, Harley (voiced by Big Bang Theory's Caley Cuoco) and Poison Ivy (Childrens Hospital's Lake Bell) try to continue their relationship with the hurdle of Harley now being a hero and aiding the Bat Family while Ivy has become the CEO of the Legion of Doom.
I'd say this season was a mixed bag. When the show is funny, it is funny. There were a lot of solid ideas. (The show will definitely surprise you at points.) I give the writers credit for not having the characters in the exact same place as the first seaso, but having the scenarios Harley and Ivy in change as their characters evolve.
However, not every idea and joke lands. This season felt like it was trying to juggle too many plot points and characters. If you're a fan of Harley's original gang, they're a lot more sidelined and recurring than regular. (I'm actually okay with how little screentime Clayface (Resident Alien's Alan Tudyk) got this year. He's a one-note character that works better in smaller doses.) Harley working with the Bat family never feels as well-utilized as expected. The ending doesn't feel as strong as the plot points leading to it.
Harley and Ivy's chemistry and dialogue and Cuoco and Bell's dialogue remains strong. It's disappointing that the couple spends so much time away from each other, because they work so well together. I am pleased that the writers got the hint and cut down on Harley making rushed, one-sided decisions without thinking how it'll affect others.
You get a lot more of Nora Freeze (SNL alumni Rachel Dratch) who's Ivy's assistant in this. I loved her no-bars, does what she wants attitude. Though Giancarlo Esposito really suits as the voice of Lex Luthor, the character hasn't really been that interesting until now. With the whole season featuring him, the writers were able to define Lex's character. Due to this being a comedy, his obsession with one-upping Superman is taken to the umpth degree, and he is portrayed as a narcissistic and silly, wannabe-alpha male. (Admittedly, he does feel a little dragged out by the final episode.)
Also, for a show focusing on two female leads trying to operate in a male-dominated industry, the show has been low on other female characters. This season seemed to try to correct that as we did get more of them this time around.
Infamous one-shot DC villain Snowflame (James Adomian), the villain who gets his powers from cocaine, is portrayed in this as a wannabe-bro with no shutter. The writers seemed more enamored with him than I as I thought he was overused and not that entertaining.
Recommended. The weakest season of Harley Quinn is still rather entertaining. (Again, predictability is one thing you can't accuse this show of.)