In this the seventh entry of the long-running film series based on the 60s/70s TV show, Ethan Hunt (played by Tom Cruise) and his IMF (Impossible Missions Force) team are on the search for two parts of a key to a new and very dangerous weapon.
It's surprising how consistently entertaining the MI movies have been over the years (yeah, 2 might be the weakest, but it still had its value), especially the more recent ones. Director Christopher McQuarrie, who did the last two entries as well, retains his emphasis on practical effects over digital. This gives more weight to the action scenes and the suspense. There is one tense moment in particular that though short kept me captivated more than I've felt in a long time. Doesn't help that the action is really well thought out and shot here. This movie really dominates the new Transformers, Indiana Jones, and Fast and Furious movies in action scenes.
I won't go into much detail about what the threat in this one is, but it definitely is unique in the MI-verse. Dead Reckoning also has some of the better villains in this franchise. Some comedy was added this time which I felt worked well.
The two hour and forty-three minute run-time focusing on long action scenes and double-crossing may not be for everyone. Considering that this is part one, the drawing out of the plot could be frustrating to some. There are a couple MI tropes that have been used once too often in this (I'll get to one in a minute). There are also a couple scenes where a group of people deliver exposition in the exact same tone and delivery which feels a little unnatural.
Cast remains good. Hayley Atwell joins the cast as thief Grace. She's Hayley Atwell, so she's naturally enjoyable. Admittedly after the last two movies, the whole Ethan-works-with-a-woman-whose-goals-don't-always-align schtick has gotten old. Cruise works well with Atwell, but it is surprising to see Ethan become protective of Grace so early when she hasn't proved she can be trusted. Shea Wigham (who's always great with whatever he's in) and Greg Tarzan Davis are a couple of US agents who also become involved in the goings-ons and those two are so watchable in this. They're new but they're delivery and actions feel so natural. Guardians of the Galaxy's Pom Klementieff is the henchwoman Paris in this and she's the kind of villain who loves action for the sake of action. She's clearly having fun whenever she's let off the leash.
Recommended. This has the best action scenes of the summer. The only reason I'm not rating this higher is that all the intrigue is a bit much and there is a smidge of formula fatigue. However, this is still a well-done film. I'd rank this below the fourth and fifth entries and above the rest.