In this the sixth Exorcist movie, young Angela (played by Good Girls' Lydia Jewett) and Katherine (Olivia O'Neill) go go missing for three days and have no knowledge of what happened. Soon, it becomes quite obvious that the girls are possessed.
This is from David Gordon Green, the director and co-writer of the recent Halloween trilogy. If you had issues with the way people felt a little surreal in Halloween Ends, this movie is that but even more so. To his credit, Green is trying to have this be a movie that focuses on characterization. However, the dialogue is off throughout. Pacing is real fast. Green's trying to get through all the plot points which makes it hard to really get to know some of the characters. The relationship between Angela and her father Victor (Hamilton's Leslie Odom Jr.) never feels natural and kinda weird. Plus, there is one whispering scene where you guess they're trying to provide exposition, but you can't make anything out.
Giving that those involved were trying, I was initially inclined to give this a slightly higher rating. It was bad but only kinda bad and an "interesting mess". Then the ending came. All good will was thrown out the door. It's not worth watching through the entire movie for what happens.
Green did make a concentrated effort not to have this be just another exorcism movie, a genre that admittedly has gotten pretty similar over the years. Yeah, making it two kids possessed instead of one might be a bit obvious, but it does work. You have to watch two separate and different parental units handling the situation. The exorcism itself is also a bit different.
The scares and effects are definitely scary and well done. The makeup for the possessed girls is real creepy. If the plot hadn't been so frustrating and dominated over the good stuff, I would've given the movie more of a pass for its fear factor. Color scheme is similar to the 70's throwback feel that the Halloween movies had and is effective. Settings weren't too shabby either.
The cast can't be blamed for this film. Everyone's good here and do the best they can with the poor dialogue they're given. Odom is especially strong as a concerned and desperate father.
Not recommended. An off film that never quite works.