It's the return of the adult animated anthology show that's the modern equivalent of Heavy Metal. (The show in fact initially evolved from the creators' original attempts to create a new Heavy Metal movie.)
This season has been cut a little under half with only six episodes, unfortunately. Would've liked more, but can't complain with what I got. A lot of people have been complaining about the episodes this season, but I haven't had any trouble. I thought the shorts were interesting enough. I love how varied this show gets and no two stories are alike. My favorites are the future dystopian tale Pop Squad, the horror installment The Tall Grass, and the macabre Christmas story All Through the House. The Drowned Giant, about a dead giant found washed up on the beach, has a truly original concept, but I admit this segment suffers from a narration that tries too hard to be philosophical.
The largest difference between this season and the last is that the nudity and hard violence just for nudity and hard violence have been cut. Some people may miss that content, but this still isn't family fare if that's what you're worried about.
The show is as visually impressive as the last season. Money is clearly put into this as all the segments look great. There is a a lot of variation in style.
Highly recommended. Another creative season and something different from other animated TV fare. Even if the episodes aren't to your taste, they're short, so you're not wasting much time taking a chance on them.
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