The Movie Show is a low-budget comedy on Syfy (think like MST3K in terms of production.) In it, two puppets Deb and Wade (performed by the show's creators Adam Dubowsky and Alex Stone) host a public access show about movies which often doesn't go as planned.
The jokes are pretty hit-and-miss. There are some pretty good ones in here. (The Back in the Future sketch is comedy gold). But there are a lot of duds, too. The weakest point of the show is the frequent interview segments involving people in funny costumes. They're usually rather dull.
It doesn't help the show that Wade is a Frankenstein-like amalgamation of every really stupid and self-absorbed TV/movie character trope that ever existed. Though he has his funny bits, he's usually an exercise in obviousness. Deb's a stronger character, but I've never seen such a weak attempt at a man voicing. Dubowsky's voice constantly took me out of this.
Though I can't say this is a great show, I'll be returning if there's a second season. It's not a bad way to waste time. This isn't for everyone, but if you like dumb, light stuff this may work for you.
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