Based on the video game series of the same name, Monster Hunter is about a group of soldiers lead by Lt. Artemis (played by the Resident Evil films' Milla Jovovich) who end happen onto a transdimensional portal, as these things happen, and travel to the world of the Monster Hunter franchise. (I looked it up, and no, this place doesn't seem to have a proper name.) In order to survive the various deadly creatures that populate this place, Artemis teams up with a local hunter (Tony Jaa), aptly called Hunter in the credits.
MH is a popcorn movie in the purest sense of the term. This is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the one responsible for the Resident Evil films, the first Mortal Kombat film, and Alien vs. Predator. The guy's no Shakespeare, but he knows how to deliver competently deliver mindless action accompanied by the occasional clever idea.
The monsters in this are truly formidable and memorable. They're designed pretty well. I'm digging the fantasy look here. It has an old school 70's-90's feel to it. Though, I haven't played the MH games, I'm pretty sure that the aesthetics hewed close to them as the monsters, clothing, etc. maintain a Japanese design-style to it. Ron Pearlman gets a fantastic mane of hair in this.
Course, Anderson is known for the occasionally frustrating choices. (Don't get me started on the last RE movie.) The final act wasn't satisfyingly conclusive. Like with the RE movies, Anderson sets up bait for the sequel, but he really cranks it up to eleven in comparison to them. It's like the end of the Bourne Legacy. You're like "Wait that's it? I think I'm missing something!" The editing can also be rushed and choppy.
Jovovich again does a fine job as the bada*** fighter. However,when acting as a commanding officer and or interacting with her more lively fellow soldiers, she feels awkward. Jaa does a very good job, especially considering you don't know what he's saying. Artemis and the Hunter don't speak the same language, and it's interesting seeing them trying to communicate.
I recommend this. I mean if you aren't a fan of previous Anderson films, this won't change your opinion. But if you want to watch people fight monsters for an hour and forty minutes, this'll do.
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