This show on Netflix continues the adventures of Hilda (voiced by Bella Ramsey), who lives in the city of Trolberg and regularly encounters various creatures, often from Scandinavian folklore. It took two years for the second season to come out, but I'm glad to say the wait was worth it.
Hilda continues to be great. It is one of the most unique kids' shows out right now. It has this sort of old school children's fantasy world feel to it and, for a show that's shock full of weird beings and magic, a surprisingly relaxed feel to it. (I confess that some kids may not have the attention span for this). The writers get more ambitious creatively. Though this show is mostly about the adventure and comedy, I was impressed that this season actually had a couple of really emotional sad moments.
I continue to be impressed by the animation, which has this pseudo-hand drawn comic book style to it. However, I still can't get over the muted color scheme.
Highly recommended to adults or kids.
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