In this sequel, the alien symbiote Venom and his host Eddie Brock (both played by Tom Hardy) have to go up against the deadly symbiote Carnage and his host and serial killer Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson).
The first film felt like an older pre-Dark Knight/the MCU superhero movie> this also feels like it was made before the golden age of these films, but it feels like a movie that was made closer to that period. Let There be Carnage manages to avoid the flaws of its predecessor, such as a poorly written villain. This is a leaner, quicker-paced film.
The filmmakers realized that what everyone liked about the last film was the comic back-and-forth between Eddie and Venom. It can be pretty entertaining; the symbiote can be so delightfully weird. However, the movie spends waaaaayyyy too much time on them. They don't even do much fighting in this (really, just in the final act.) It's just a lot of them arguing with each other. This seems to be at the expense of other characters. I like the character of Brock's ex Anne Weying (Michelle Williams) in these films, but she's given so little to do here. Also, they lean a little heavily on Brock getting in trouble with everyone.
BUT, all the scenes with the villains are loads of fun. Harrelson really pulls off the psychotic, and strangely interesting killer really well. He nails the body language. The most underrated character in this may be Naomie Harris' Frances Barrison/Shriek, Kasady's equally crazed lover. (The trailers really didn't pay her much attention.) Harris does the best character work in this. She and Harrelson have excellent chemistry as the crazed Bonnie and Clyde types. (I haven't seen Stone Cold Killers, so I can't say how similar Harrelson is to his character in that.) Also, I love their clothes in this.
As for Carnage itself, the movie really does the Venom's greatest enemy justice. His savagery and the versatility of his powers are really captured here. I mean he may be one of the best "monsters" in a superhero movie. If you're worried about the fact that the final villain of the last movie was also a symbiote, you don't need to worry about rehashing. Carnage leaves far more of an impression. This is directed by Andy Serkis, best known for his long history of motion caption acting, and he appears to bring a real sense of movement. Carnage is a very flexible, fluid being, and the movie plays around with what he can do as much as it can. Heck, all the cinematography choices in this are really good. Harrelson and Harris's first scene together is truly something.
The fact that this movie is about a serial killer should give you a heads up that this leans toward the dark. It's PG-13, but pushes the envelope as far as it can. If you haven't seen the first film, understand that Venom is an antihero. The film can feel didactic as it both shows him trying to be a hero while also doing some indefensible stuff.
Recommended. Definitely better than the first but still far from perfect. The back-and-forth bits can be trying. However, it's worth it for the villain scenes and the fights. They are really worth watching.