Sunday, July 21, 2024

My Adventures with Superman- Season 2


In the new season, Superman (voiced by The Boys' Jack Quaid) uncovers the truths of his origins while still being the target of the government agency Task Force X, now run by the far more zealous and dangerous Amanda Waller (MadTV alumni Debra Wilson). 

Glad to say that the show keeps up the quality. MAwS gets more serialized and serious. The final bad guy is appropriately hateable and dangerous and superior to season 1's Parasite.

MAwS continues to do what makes the show strong: solid new takes on Superman. The whole Superman origins thing isn't exactly anything that hasn't been done before when it comes to the general plot points, but yet they somehow managed to make it feel fresh and entertaining. Same applies to the season finale final battle. It doesn't do anything that hasn't been done before, but it's done so well. A lot of animated shows these days are signed up for two seasons due to how long the animation process can be, and I think the writers were perfectly willing to let this be a series finale and a gratifying conclusion if the show didn't do well. They really nail the emotional bits here with characterization being a real strong point.

Though I mentioned that the show gets a little more serious, the comedic aspects and more light-hearted feel to the world than compared to some DC adaptations sitll exist. The writers are definitely having fun with the cast of characters they've created. They clearly seem to love writing for goofy sports reporter Steve Lombard (Vincent Tong). Unfortunately due to the smaller number of episodic stories, the supporting characters don't get as many chances to pop up; so, not that much Steve overall, which trust me is a bad thing.

I also like how ambitious they are with the end credits animation, changing it to fit with each episode's plot.

The biggest weak point is that the characters' struggles feel a bit obvious and trite. Lois Lane's daddy issues are just really basic and so many shows have done this already. Though the idea of Superman being seen as a threat due to his being alien is a compelling idea, the way they handle it isn't. The dialogue of those who don't trust him never feels how someone would talk about it in real life. (In fairness though this is an Adult Swim show, MaWS was originally meant to be a family show and appeal to children.)

Recommended. I preferred the first season a little better, as the episodic episodes tended to be the more enjoyable, but this is just a well-written, animated, and acted Superman show where everyone cared about the final product.

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