Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Afterparty- Season 2


In season two of the Apple+ mystery/comedy, Aniq (played by Veep's Sam Richardson) and Zoe (Zoe Chao) are attending her sister's wedding at her rich fiancee's family home. The morning after the wedding groom Edgar (Silicon Valley's Zach Woods) is found murdered and bride Grace (Poppy Liu) is the main suspect. Aniq calls in Danner (Tiffany Haddish) to help solve the mystery.

Season two doesn't quite compare to the first one. The dialogue, plotting, characters, and editing aren't as sharp. Aniq, Danner, and Zoe's characters don't have quite the kick they used to. This season takes place at a fancy manor and the scenario isn't as visually interesting as that of a famous singer's modern fancy house with more emphasis on the party atmosphere.  This season looks more at the characters' past before the day of the murder, so there isn't as much of being able to compare how many people's views of the situation have differed. Plus, the finale feels a little rushed and not as strong as the last one.

But, that's all compared to the first season. Season 2 is still pretty funny. The writers are more ambitious with how each person's memory is done in a different film genre, and they go more high concept including such stuff as the cast in Jane Austen garb and talk. The mystery isn't as easy to solve as last time. Sure, they didn't make the clues too easy, but you could figure out who did it a few episodes in. Here, it takes a lot longer. All the mind movies work except for the first episode having Aniq doing another rom-com. (It suffers from Meet the Parents syndrome in that they are way, way too hard on Aniq.) Whereas Danner's solo episode last year was the weakest part, this one is quite good.

We've got great casting that's a who's who of experienced comedic actors. Most of them bring on the funny, but when it becomes time to be serious and emotional, a few of them land some excellent performances. Again, the show tends to lean into typecasting some of the actors. Once more Richard Jewel/I, Tonya/Black Bird's Paul Walter Hauser is cast as a well meaning awkward guy who isn't the smartest, Grace's ex-boyfriend Travis. But, it's PWH so of course he does a great job. Edgar is once again the socially awkward guy, but for a change of pace, this time he isn't the butt of the joke. His character is humorously odd but he's also rich and a very smart guy who's at the top of the heap (well, till the murder). Pen15's Anna Konkle as Edgar's sister is delightfully quirky and has some of the best delivery in the show, but unfortunately she isn't given that much screentime. The real MVP of this though is Big/Weeds' Elizabeth Perkins as Isabel, Edgar and Hanna's mother. She delivers a whirlwind of saltiness, waspish emotional distance, alcoholism, and possible nuttiness. 

Unfortunately, John Early isn't returning to as Detective Culp to assist Danner again. I'll miss the two characters' chemistry, but Aniq and Danner do also work well together.

Recommended. May not be exactly what one wanted as a follow-up to the first season, but it is a good time.

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