Monday, July 31, 2023

Captain Fall- Season 1, Episode 1, An Unconventional Cruiseline



I watched the first episode of Captain Fall the new Netflix show about Jonathan Fall (voiced by Jason Ritter), who's been made a captain of a cruise line, but unbeknownst him to him it's a smuggling operation and he's a potential fall guy. After this episode, I won't be returning.

If you've seen the trailer, Fall's that trope where the guy isn't liked much for no good reason by his toxic family. You'd think the storyline of his background would only be the beginning of the episode and that he'll soon be on the boat, but NO, the full first episode is mostly the family.

The problem is that the family isn't funny at all. I think the toxic parents trope is getting old these days and then the show runners had to dial things up to eleven. Their dialogue is a chore to get through.

Another issue with the show is that all the jokes are stretched out so much, which makes the characters disapproving of or upset with other characters moments so tedious.

Understand that so far this show is very, very dark. This is far more cold-blooded, especially in terms of murder, than you'd suspect.

The animation's good-looking and distinct I'll give you that. It looks like a European indie comic book. 

Not recommended. Yeah, I didn't even stay through to the ship, the main part of the story, and I hear the show gets better in the last third, but after such a botched first episode so bereft of laughs, I'm not inclined to be charitable.

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