In this remastering of a lost Doctor Who serial (original audio is combined with animation), the second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) and his companions end up at a gas refinery with some sinister goings on.
This is prime Doctor Who. I can't say it is one of the more original ones or stands out from the rest, but it nails all the beats. This is just a fun sixties sci-fi tale. For a show from this era, it manages to maintain a surprisingly creepy atmosphere.
This is back when there isn't as much character development with Doctor Who companions, but Victoria (Deborah Watling) is given some decent personality stuff to work with.
I like the background art in this. Has a pseudo painting-style to it. Though there is one "Easter egg" detail in this that bugs me, because it's non-chronological.
Overall, this is a fun watch. If you like sixties Doctor Who, then you'll probably like this.
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