Sunday, October 25, 2020

Olaf's Frozen Adventure


Olaf's Frozen Adventure is a short film on Disney+ that shows what the titular snowman (voiced by Josh Gad) did during the first Frozen film between his coming alive and meeting up with Kristoff and Anna. Ever heard of or see Lion King 1 1/2? It's basically the same concept, a series of humorous scenarios linked to the events of a popular movie. It's okay.

This is the definition of innocuousness; there's nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't register much with you either. It's mostly just Olaf wandering around and nothing big enough happens.

Olaf's naivety- and positivity-natured humor and Gad's performance remain true-to-form. There are a couple heartwarming moments. Also the Disney animation remains strong, especially the last scene which looks really, really good.  

This is the weakest of the three Frozen shorts, but if your kids like Olaf, then they'll like this. Running at only eight minutes, this is a quick watch anyway.

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