In this television spin-off of the Godzilla/King Kong theatrical Monsterverse on Apple+, Cate Randa (played by Anna Sawai) travels to Japan to uncover questions about her missing father where she is drawn into a mystery involving Monarch, the agency that deals with giant monsters.
The plot does start a little tepid. Story is initially decent but doesn't feel like it is excelling. However, things really pick up during the second half. The plot becomes far more intricate and surprising and the character relationships really develop. (There's a lot you can't predict from the outset.) A lot of this also looks at the history of how Monarch first came to be (this doesn't do a half bad version of keeping steady with the movies' continuity) and it's pretty good and planned out.
Also, this is for you if you're looking for something for the whole family. The show maintains the audience level of the movies.
The monster effects are practically movie quality. This is still television, so they are always in short bursts, but you never get an episode without a monster.
Cast is good and the characters are distinct. I liked the main actors but to be honest I think the best performances are probably Joe Tippett as the likable everyman member of Monarch and Hell on Wheels' Christopher Heyerdahl as a general.
Be aware that this takes place approximately after the first Godzilla movie but before the second one. The show could've done a better job of making that clearer from the onset. I first thought it took place currently in the franchise. There a couple other nitpicks: one brief antagonist that is just too caustic and there is one plot point here that doesn't line up with what happened in Godzilla vs. Kong.
Highly recommended. This a popcorn movie made into TV form without feeling overextended.