In this new Superman cartoon on Adult Swim and Max, a fresh-out-of-college Clark Kent/Superman (voiced by Hunger Games/Scream's Jack Quaid) and Jimmy Olson (Jury Duty's Ishmel Sahid) meet Lois Lane (Zoey's Extraordianry Playlist's Alice Lee) when they all intern at the Daily Planet.
Though on Adult Swim, MAwS is really a family/children's show. (Kids aren't watching broadcast television nowadays, and from what I've heard, Adult Swim gets better viewership due to an older audience.) This show also seems to be a reaction to recent darker Superman and other DC projects. MAwS has a classic bright and optimistic Superman feel to it. Heck, it's a lot lighter than the 90's Superman cartoon. (Remember that episode where Clark tries to help that guy on death row for a woman's murder? I'm still surprised they were able to get away with all that dark subject matter on children's television.) Not to say the show doesn't have any stakes. Deaths are referenced in the show, but they're backstory deaths. MAwS is about Superman saving people.
The lifeblood of this show is the relationship and trust and support between the three friends. Jimmy, who's a big mystery guy, like as in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, is especially wholesome and fun to watch. That having been said Lois can be really selfish or hypocritical at times, but I wouldn't call it a dealbreaker. Also, he's not in this much, but the Daily Planet's sports writer Steve Lombard (voiced by the Ninjago show's Vincent Tong) is really fun. He has this goofy, overinflated bravado about him.
A lot of credit should be given to this show being able to repackage the same old story of Superman in a new way. Some fans may be annoyed that a lot of villains had their natural powers converted to weaponry, but it is a unique take. I appreciate that this show focused on multiple names from Superman's and DC's rogues gallery and that there's no Lex Luthor this season (he's so overexposed, and you can only do so many plotting evil businessman storylines.)
One big annoyance of the show is that any character that doesn't trust Superman is incredibly one-note without any nuance or at times even rationality to their reasoning.
The animation is very anime-style inspired (even the end credits feel more like an anime end credits than a western one), and it all looks really good. The line work in this is top notch. Animation allows you to do a lot more with Superman fighting and the plentiful action scenes are all smooth. I especially liked some of the reinvisioned designs for some of the antagonists.
Highly recommended. This show is genuinely entertaining, old fashioned Saturday cartoon fun.