In this Disney Channel/Disney+ show based on the Marvel comic (and surprisingly spearheaded by Lawrence Fishburne who's the executive producer), young super-genius Lunella Lafayette (voiced by the Madea Halloween movies' Diamond White) fights crime under the alias of Moon Girl with Devil Dinosaur (animal noises by voice actor Fred Tatasciore), her pet T. rex who came from a portal she opened.
While it takes some shows many episodes to lock into place what they want to be (and sometimes over a season, looking at you Parks and Recreation and Legends of Tomorrow), Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur had everything locked down since the beginning in what was an extremely confident and engaging first episode.
I'd kinda like to call this the Kim Possible of this decade, since it's a fun affair starring a girl hero with colorful characters (in fact, KP and MGaDD share a showrunner). Lunella is a plucky, determined and three-dimensional character. Due to Devil Dinosaur being huge and a lot of scenes taking place at Lunella's home or school (most people don't know her secret identity), he doesn't get quite as much screen time as you'd expect for him being in the lead (don't get me wrong, it's not like he doesn't have episodes focusing on him), but he's delightful when he's on. The guy's kinda like a big puppy dog and the animators do a great job with his facial expressions. There's a third member of the team, Lunella's friend the social media-savvy Casey Calderon (Sneaky Pete's Liby Barer). She's just as enjoyable as the leads. Both her voice and animation have this gutsy liveliness to her.
Moon Girl lives in the Lower East Side of New York and her neighborhood is a really vibrant melting pot. The show also hosts a series of villains, more often original creations than not, that are fun bunch of distinct classic cartoony-types (also like what you'd find on Kim Possible).
The animation is so stylish. If you're one person who gets tired of cartoons these days looking too similar or not taking any risks, you'll be pleasantly surprised with this. MGaDD has a very distinct type of character animation, especially the line work, that kinda has a comic/graffiti pop art feel to it. There's also an impressive selection of songs in this (Moon Girl likes to fight with music playing).
Most of these episodes revolve around Lunella, who means well, but her over-confident reliance in science to solve all her problems can be her downfall resulting in her having to learn a lesson. Don't get me wrong, the morales are good for kids, but Lunella causing a large portions of the threats in the show can get a bit old. Next season, you could at least have more episodes featuring other characters having to learn lessons. Also, it bugs me that Lunella's father looks and acts so young. I thought he was her older brother at first.
Highly recommended and great viewing for your kids. My wording really isn't doing justice to the heart put into the show. This is definitely a worthy successor to the ranks of the best humorous kids superhero cartoons, such as Darkwing Duck and Kim Possible.