In the horror comedy Werewolves Withing, loosely based on the video game of the same name, the residents of the small isolated town of Beaverfield find themselves cut off from the outside world and the possible prey of a werewolf.
I found this to be a rather fun, quirky, and clever film. There are a good few twists and turns in this. I kind of like the idea of a werewolf film that operates more like a murder mystery. (Anyone remember 1974's The Beast Must Die? It's sort of in that vein but a comedy.) Kind of wish we had more of these. Good use is made of the growing suspicion and paranoia amongst the suspects.
Some may find the townspeople to be a little over the top. Nor can I say that the characters or every line of dialogue are necessarily amongst the top tier of comedy (like in Clue). However, the cast really delivers. The lines come fast, and you get plenty of good bits. Basically, it's an appreciate the sum-of-the-whole rather than the details situation.
The leads, Veep's Sam Richardson as the new park ranger, and the AT&T girl Milana Vayntraub as a postal worker, are what really make the movie. They work really together and make a great duo. Vayntraub brings a quirky energy. Richardson is the MVP. He plays the well-meaning guy who's doing his best to stay keep things together. Richardson knows the perfect delivery for every line.
This is directed by College Humor alumni Josh Ruben who also directed the horror comedy thriller Scare Me. I think he'll be one to watch. There's a couple interesting camera shots that remain focused on one person or angle that work rather well. The song selection for this is also rather interesting and helps set the mood (especially the first song.)
Recommended. I mentioned some quibbles, but I really did enjoy myself.