In this movie based on the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain (played by Slumdog Millionaire's Dev Patel), nephew of King Arthur (Sean Harris), accepts a challenge from the mysterious Green Knight (Ralph Ineson). The challenge doesn't turn out to be what Gawain thinks it is and he ends up having to accept a second part of it that causes him to go on a journey on what may very well be a suicide mission.
This is one of those movies that are hard to rate. I mean it looks great. This is one of those Blade Runneresque films where it's really characterized by it's look; maybe the most visually arresting film of the year. Director/writer David Lowery (who also did the Pete's Dragon reboot) brings a great eye to this with wonderful shots of creative medieval architecture and clothing and sumptuous pastoral scenery. He is one of those directors that has a truly confident hold on all their shots. The treelike Green Knight is a great-looking design, imposing but in a fascinating way. Glad Lowery didn't go with CGI. The makeup still allows Ineson some facial expressiveness. (There is a little CGI in another part of this that feels dodgy, but it doesn't last long.) The medieval-esque music also really helps capture the feel of the film.
It's the plot where my opinion of this becomes complicated. When this movie started I would've rated it higher, but my opinion got lower as it continued. Running at two hours and ten minutes, the movie runs feels tired out by the third act. This is a travel film where Gawain encounters many distinctive characters and unexpected situations on his way. They're hit and miss. Some things stuck with me, while others tried my patience. For an artsy film, I found this accessible at first, but as the movie goes on (again it's the third act where issues are really prevalent) the movie reeks of Lowery trying way too hard to be clever and adding psychological depth and modern sensibility to the original tale. (Don't get me wrong, this isn;t one of those art films that the average Joe won't be able to get into at all. You can tell where Lowery's going with this.) It just feels like a bit much.
Acting's good. Patel does a decent job of portraying a flawed character in contrast to the more noble Gawain of lore. Harris steals every scene as a sickly, thoughtful take on Arthur. Ineson really manages to give a partially mysterious, unknowable but oddly courteous feel to the Knight.
I can see some people being bored with this or at least a little disappointed with the third act. However, when you get a lot of films these days based on popular franchises or traditional formats or concepts, it's nice to see something that feels truly original with a distinctive director's voice. If anything, the visuals are worth seeing.